A review by imalahakhund
Hourglass: Time, Memory, Marriage by Dani Shapiro


It's not exactly a review but more like a discussion.

After I read Inheritance by Dani Shapiro, I watched many of her interviews and book readings/discussions on youtube. I really like Shapiro's very clear, simplistic and intimate writing and want to atleast read all of her memoirs. In Hourglass, she talks about her doubts and insecurities and about her younger self, they were a bunch of really great quotes and stuff. Eventhough I liked her book, I feel like I don't qualify for putting up a review because I am not married so I can't really say how relatable it was or wasn't or how it was.
I am a sucker for good rom-coms and romantic movies where people end up together and everything is great, but as I grow older I also seek out movies like A Separation (Iranian movie), Blue Valentine, Mariage Story; movies that potray a more realistic picture of realationships. So what I am trying to say is that when I read this book I was looking for a story that says, somethings along the lines of "hey, look I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't do this, I'll regret it for the rest of my life." Golden points if you get the reference.