A review by lanidon
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon


Is this book good?
Am I going to read the next one?
Absolutely yes

I think a large factor that brought this book down is the lack of warning about the graphic sexual assault content. All the women in this book were sex trafficked by aliens (not the blue ice ones) and multiple are assaulted. That is not something I expect or anticipate from a romance. Even though they are "saved" by the end of the book, it's very heavy content that should have been made clear before starting

I will read the next one in hopes that it is a lighter experience. I understand likely all of them will include pregnancy as a significant focus so honestly this series probably will not be for me. I do very much like the world building and the character design of the blue aliens. I enjoy the resiliency of the women. I just think it's lacking in romance development as well as tone. Both of those are key in a book like this and without them it is not a compelling story

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