A review by littlemainelibrarian
The Ghost and the Graveyard by Genevieve Jack


Hmmmm how to review this book...it was fun. I laughed out loud several times reading it. There was witty repartee left and right. There was adventure. There were nail biting moments where I read like crazy flipping pages quickly. The issue is that this book is full of sex. Not that I don't appreciate sex in my reading material, I'm all for it, truly! But I like it as an "aside". You know, those moments when the lovers drift towards each other, pulled by some invisible force. Our maybe it's the fun kind that deliciously takes you by surprise, leaving you grinning wickedly! ;-) Regardless, it's a PART of the story...it isn't the entire story! This book felt like the story was getting in the way of the sex. Seriously, had the author cut out half of it this would still have been a fantastic story. I'm glad I read it because it was funny! I'm also very glad I didn't pay for it! I would love to read the sequels but I'm not paying for them.