A review by claresbookshelf
Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade by Andrew Holmes, Oliver Bowden


4 out of 5 stars.

This book was so much freaking fun! I am not even joking - this is the first novel in the series to cast some improvement! After the downward spiral that was Brotherhood, going into this one I gave myself a very low expectation. I was expecting spelling mistakes, poor grammar and everything else that had made Brotherhood worse than Renaissance - but I was astounded by the difference in this tale.

There were a few minor grammatical errors, but not as many as there were in Brotherhood. I could count these errors on one hand whereas before I needed both hands and both my feet. The pacing was brilliant, the tension was superb, and revisiting these characters made me feel very nostalgic.

I liked that it was told as though it were the journal of Niccolo Polo. The first person narrative combined with the third person retelling of Altir's life worked surprisingly well - and each character was enjoyable. Even Abbas.

Also, the epilogue. That was a nice touch.

Looking forward to book four, even though it means saying goodbye to Ezio again.