A review by readtolive
A Date of Godlike Proportions by Tellulah Darling


Fair warning, if homosexuality makes you uncomfortable, you probably do not want to read this short.

Favorite quote:
"Pierce didn't even look up at my entrance. He had his nose buried in a hardcover copy of Neil Gaiman's latest."

I rather enjoy when books make reference to other books. But I am a book nerd, so of course that would make me happy.

It had been quite a while since I had read the rest of the series, and this should have been between "My Date from Hell" and "My Life from Hell," but it is what it is. Yet again, I managed to read out of order.

I enjoyed getting to see the back story of Festos and Theo (Thesi), and getting to see these old friends again.

This story gives you a sweet little glimpse into the romance between these two guys.

Overall, the story was well edited and there were no consistency issues like what seems to plague the young adult fiction genre as a whole. This story makes a nice addition to the series and I am glad I read it.