A review by faintgirl
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami


Now, those of you who already know me know that Huraki Murakami is just about my favourite modern author. So perhaps the rating is a little biased. But really, I had forgotten just how good Kafka on the Shore is. Part modern fairy tale, part a tale of adolescence and existentialism, yet at all times otherwordly, it's a masterpiece. And just for a bonus, it's funny, warming and brimming with pop culture at the same time as asking the big questions.

The story is not so important, but it's the tale of a young boy and an old man who's fates are inextricably linked, who journey across Japan through the mundane and the bizarre to accomplish a task neither of them are really prepared for. It's a tale of growing up and a tale of letting go. It's a billion cliches in one but somehow, it's brilliant. The style, the narrative, the bizarre little touches: amazing. Love it.