A review by kori_krc
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab


If this is your first time reading V. E. Schwab, just know that her writing style is mostly description/direction and very little dialogue. Once I got past that, I truly enjoyed the story. I loved how she built up her characters. We learned just enough about them through their actions and words without being overloaded. I like discovering the characters in a book rather than being told who they were and where they came from. I really enjoyed the world building and the magic system. The idea of parallel universes was done very well and not in a cheesy way at all. I will say, I don't really see how this has turned into a trilogy. It appears to have been wrapped up fairly nicely at the end. Not to say that I won't be continuing, I most certainly am, I just can't really see where the story is going/how it is continuing? It almost feels like anything more would be forced? But we shall see.