A review by randikaye
Autumn Skies by Denise Hunter


Autumn Skies is the third and final book in Denise Hunter's Bluebell Inn series. While I do believe that this could be read as a standalone, I feel like the reader will get the most out of the book if they've read the series. Background information is given to some extent, but I feel like to really grasp what the inn means to the family and to better appreciate the characters, more is better.

That being said, this was a fantastic conclusion to the series. While I believe Molly's story will remain my favorite, this one certainly came in with a very close second. In Autumn Skies, the story focuses on Grace, the youngest of the Bennet siblings. I'd gotten to know Grace a bit from the previous books in the series, but enjoyed getting to know her a lot better. We are also introduced to Wyatt, a secret service agent who needs a little bit of a break and finds himself booking a room at the Bluebell Inn as he sought out a confrontation with his past. Sparks fly when these two meet...and boy do they fly, right off the pages! I loved their fantastic chemistry, and their story was intriguing and unique... and quite the message of how God can weave our lives together so beautifully for His good.

Overall, this was a fantastic read, and a great conclusion to the series... though I must admit that I enjoyed this series so much that I wasn't quite ready for it to end! Still, I know whatever Denise Hunter puts out next will be just as fantastic...and I cannot wait!

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.