A review by ssshira
Stacey vs. Claudia by Ann M. Martin


this is my first time reading this book.

in this book by ghostwriter [a:Suzanne Weyn|99836|Suzanne Weyn|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1225668404p2/99836.jpg], stacey and claudia break up because they like the same boy. first, ethan tells stacey he is taking a class during the only time they would generally have to see each other. then he sort of breaks up with her, or at least says they should take a step back for now. a new boy starts at the school, jeremy rudolph, and both stacey and claudia like him. claud asks stacey to help her “get” jeremy, not knowing that stacey likes him too. stacey sucks it up and tries to help her by saying the three of them should go to the movies and then pretending to get sick so it will just be claudia and jeremy. it works out great, at least according to claudia, until jeremy shows up at stacey’s house the next day and says he doesn’t like claudia like that and asks stacey out. he asks stacey to tell claudia about it (see lowlights - I seriously hate jeremy a lot, as you will find out soon) and when she does, claudia is understandably upset. she thinks jeremy actually like-liked her and that stacey cast her wiles upon him or something. this drama could probably have been avoided if jeremy had been the one to break it to claudia in the first place. anyway, stacey and jeremy go out but jeremy is upset because claudia had told him that stacey had a boyfriend, ethan. stacey confronts claud about it and and it turns into a much much bigger fight (see highlights for the incredibly harsh things s+c say to each other). oh and at some point ethan shows up with flowers trying to win stacey back but it’s too late because now she’s crushing on jeremy. meanwhile, another new character is introduced (what is this, faith, hope & trick?), rachel griffin. apparently she went to school with kristy, mary anne, and claudia before stacey moved to town and they all hated her. but she and stacey become friends, because rachel lived in london for the last few years so they bond over being sophistamacated grown women types from the windy apple or something.

-stacey ponders whether you're supposed to be able to notice cute guys if you're truly into the person you're dating when she and mary anne are noticing the new cute boy (jeremy). and then stacey justifies it and says that ethan and logan probably notice other girls, but then both she and mary anne. are bummed out and pretend to themselves that they believe their boyfriends don't think about other girls. lol.
-stacey thinks "maybe all guys from olympia were cooler than the ones in stoneybrook." lol.
-claud says rachel is like lucy van pelt, helga pataki, and angelica pickles rolled up into one. aside from lucy, who is pretty timeless, this statement hilariously dates this book as late 90s.
-some of the moments in the fight are SO HARSH I LOVE IT. stacey is so mad that she calls claud brainless and says, "what else would you call someone who can't even spell, who was held back a grade?" claud says stacey is stuck up and acts like she's special because she comes from nyc even though 10 million people live there. stacey says claud's art isn't that great. claud calls stacey a big liar and stacey says claud is a big loser: "what are you going to do? follow jeremy around forever and try to break up his romances? even if you do, it won't matter. he will never want to date you." WOW.

-jeremy is a scumbag. what else do you call a guy who goes on a date with a girl, decides he only likes her as a friend, and asks her best friend out the following day? AND THEN AS IF THAT WEREN’T BAD ENOUGH, he makes the friend he is dating dump the other girl on his behalf. how in the world do stacey and claudia let themselves get swept up into drama that mostly destroys their friendship because of some jerky jerkface?

-"[Claudia] was wearing bright yellow tights with black stripes under a short tie-dyed jumper and long-sleeved neon-pink T-shirt [with] ankle-high vinyl boots."

-"Her brown hair was pulled back into a French braid and she wore a short denim skirt under a soft bright yellow sweater."

-"The blue thermal-knit shirt with the row of small white buttons up the front was a good choice...It was great with jeans." With the look, Stacey also wears black ankle boots and a French braid, with "a touch of mascara and some berry-colored lipstick" and Rachel's "dangly blue-and-silver earrings."

-"He wore an open-collared blue denim shirt over a bright white T-shirt. His black jeans were neat."

snacks in claudia’s room
-ring-dings (n.s.)
-potato chips under her bed
-carrots and dip (n.s.)