A review by simlish
The Privilege of the Sword by Ellen Kushner


I was only planning on reading 30%, to even out the really depressing other books I'm currently reading. Instead I stayed up till 1 finishing the whole thing and couldn't sleep for another hour from being so hyped and exhilarated about it. It was like pitching myself back into my favorite childhood books and so it also brought me back to my uncritical childhood mindset.

I liked it so much I read it in one sitting, feeling the best parts of being a kid, giggly and excited and racing through without trying to pick apart the plot (which did, admittedly, take quite a while to really get started)

My only complaint, and it's not a big one, as I did read the book in one sitting, is that I was recced this as f/f swordplay, which it isn't fully committed to being. Kate, the main, is bi and ends up with a guy (a guy I quite like and in a well written and paced romance!) but the f/f I was expecting was glancing and quickly over in comparison. If I hadn't come in expecting a lot more from the f/f I wouldn't have been disappointed-- in fact, if I'd picked this up at 12 when it came out, I'm pretty sure I would have figured out my own lesbianism faster, but as it is, I don't think it should be recced as f/f without caveats.