A review by jugglingpup
The Love Song of Ivy K. Harlowe by Hannah Moskowitz


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I got an ARC of this book.

I am a sucker for a blue book if my fiancé is to be believed, but I never listen to them about things when I should so I am going to say it wasn’t the cover that sucked me in and made me want this book.

I at first thought this was going to be some fluffy, mild heartbreak sort of romance novel. It really isn’t. There is no fluff here. It is a lot of heartbreak and a lot of messy people. There are a ton of complex relationships, which I normally love. The issue is I just didn’t like a single character that got a lot of page time. I loved Andie’s mom and that was about it. Everyone else could go and I would be ok with it. Everyone else was so flawed to the point I was having any issues seeing any good in them.

If it was not for someone else’s review that promised that the book picked up in the last third, I would not have kept reading. I almost DNF at around 70% because I was just so bored with the same messiness over and over again. Then the big twist I did not see coming happened. The last 25% or so is what carried this book and made me finish it. I devoured that. I loved that section. It just took so long to get there.

I had some issues with the book, but they mostly came down to the slow pacing and just how flawed everyone was. The MC seriously dated a biphobic lesbian, despite being bi. She then claimed it was a preference and she couldn’t blame someone for it. I’m sorry, but no. That was just gross. It really fit her, but I was so grossed out at the same time. That was most of the book. So much of what happened made sense from a toxic place, but the characters really did grow. Some of the growing was all at once and some took the entire book to really become clear. So I have to be impressed that Moskowitz was able to take these characters that really needed to grow up and helped them grow up in a way that made sense and for the most part in a story that was enjoyable to read.

If you are looking for something quick and about people who are more put together than not, this is not for you. If you like disaster lesbians then this just might be for you. I went into it looking for more fluff than there was. I was not ready for something as serious as this turned out to be. A lot of my own red flags in a relationship were thrown constantly so I had issues engaging with the characters.