A review by jersy
An Old Man's Love by Anthony Trollope


It is strange how much I felt for every of the three protagonists (+ Mrs Baggett was great as well).
We learned enough about them to really care about their fate. All of them acted understandable and in the end I wanted all of them to be happy, what just wasnt possible.

The whole novel was well written and really fun to read. The plot itself is probably nothing new to a modern audience but I enjoyed it nethertheless.
The author described nothing I considered unimportant and every paragraph drew me into the world and the life and feelings of the characters.

I think the ending was handled particurlary well. While kind of being a happy ending it also dealt, maybe realisticly, but at any rate interestingly, with the thoughts and feelings of the characters, especially Mary.

My only complaint is that the supporting characters were not utilized enough and were dealt with rather rushed. Maybe I only think so because I just finished a rather large book of Dickens, where every character basicly is a main character at least in some chapters, but who knows.