A review by cleo_reads
Change of Heart by Mary Calmes


This is my 2nd Mary Calmes book and I feel pretty confident in saying that she's not for me. Judging from her reviews, readers tend to either looooooove her or wonder how the hell she got published / popular. (Which is often a sign that an author writes really emotionally compelling books but with a lot of technical / craft flaws - either the emotions pull you through the writing quirks or you just can't even.)

I just couldn't. I didn't find this emotionally compelling so I really noticed the flaws. I got it for free and I was hoping for something that'd make me forget my life for an hour or two. But it was sooo tedious. The world building is complex but makes no real sense. Same with the plot. There's a lot going on but I didn't feel like the emotional stakes were very high.

The hero (and narrator) has the common sense and self preservation skills of a house plant. He consistently undervalues himself, even though everyone around him loooves him - even the people who want to kill him at first end up loving him. But I have no idea why, or what, exactly, makes him so damn lovable, other than he's the special whatchamacallit.