A review by sarina_langer
Twice Upon a Name: Tales of Mix-ups and Mistaken Identities by Susan Stradiotto


Folks, this is such a treasure of an anthology! To make things even better, it's for charity, so you're supporting Room to Read by treating yourself to this set ^-^

As with all anthologies, there's so much variety in terms of voice in this set, but all stories are YA and you're bound to find a few new favourite authors. My favourites are The Twin Embers by Elena Shelest, Star Dancer by Astrid V.J., and Born to Prove by Dani Hoots. If you've read the authors' first anthology, Once Upon a Name (*also* for charity!!), you'll love the new writers joining this set alongside the returning ones!

All these stories are also pretty short, so you can easily relax with one an evening here and there ;)