A review by ellenpenleysmith
Reckoning by Lili St. Crow


I. Am. So. Angry. Right. Now.

I'm not angry that Dru didn't choose someone. I understand what Dru's like and it fits her character. Plus, it was an interesting take on love triangles.

What I am angry about is the fact that this series (since the very beginning) has been built up on a love triangle for it to just... fall flat. What I am also angry about it is our lack of explanantion FOR ANYTHING.

Somebody. Please. EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT A BLOOD BOND IS! Or, better yet. Tell me the page number because it clearly my book is MISSING THE PAGE. Gah. And every other thing that wasn't tied up.

There's even an epilogue that explained jack all!

Open-ended books I can handle. A Team Self I can handle. An open-ended, no explanation novel? That, I cannot handle.

What. The. Hell?

This was such a fantastic series. Such a fantastic series. But I'm so angry right now. I feel like the author took the cop out because she didn't know what to do and I feel cheated. For all five books.

Cheated, I tell you, cheated.

Note: I may change the rating after I've calmed down and perhaps re-read the book a little. Perhaps.