A review by bibliozabs
Crazy for You by Jennifer Crusie


Keep in mind this was written in 1999. I’m writing this in 2023 and that when I first read it. 

The very bad - dog abuse, super stalking, domestic violence. The not great - a lot of “she’s mine” (from both hero and villain), some questionable relationship dynamics from a lot of people in the book, off hand homophobia from townspeople. So to me, the good outweighed the bad. 

But I still stayed up all night to finish it (partly bc it was compelling, partly bc I’m sick and stuffed up). The good - chemistry btwn the couples, supportive and real female friendships, small town dynamics, realistic toxic masculinity, realistic reaction to someone you love turning into a monster, HEA. 

This isn’t my first Jenny Crusie. I’ve read a couple of her books. This is one of her earlier ones and you can see how her later ones change with the times. So read it with the time period in mind. 

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