A review by saaraa96
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche


هی صبر کردم که بیام براش زیاد بنویسم ولی واقعا توان نوشتن زیاد براش ندارم.
اول راجع به خود ساختار کتاب بگم،( آها ترجمه انگلیسی خوندم، ترجمه فارسی نمی‌دونم چه شکلیه) اومده تو زمینه های مختلف تو یه سری پاراگراف حرف هاشو زده.
حالا این پاراگراف ها یه سریش خیلی کوتاهن یه سریش خیلی بلند.
یه سریش خیلی حرف های قشنگ و به فکر فرو برنده ای دارن ، یه سریش بولشت محضن.
یاپ بولشت میگم بخصوص تو زمینه خانم ها یه سری چرت و پرت داره که حتا با توجه به زمانه نویسنده هم قابل توجیه نیست چون خیر سرش فیلسوف بوده و ادعای فکر باز داشته.

ولی حرف های جالبی کلن میزد. (کلمه جالب تو ساختار مغزیم هم معنی مثبت داره هم معنی منفی؛ که به حمدالله این سری تو این جمله هر دو رو شامل میشه.)

معروف ترین جمله از این کتاب رو شاید بشه گفت اینه:
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.

ولی بیشترین چیزی که راجع بهش رفتم یه سری چیز دیگه هم خوندم این یکی بود:
Parents involuntarily make something like themselves out of their children—they call that "education"; no mother doubts at the bottom of her heart that the child she has borne is thereby her property, no father hesitates about his right to HIS OWN ideas and notions of worth. Indeed, in former times fathers deemed it right to use their discretion concerning the life or death of the newly born (as among the ancient Germans). And like the father, so also do the teacher, the class, the priest, and the prince still see in every new individual an unobjectionable opportunity for a new possession.

از چیزای دیگه‌ش
My opinion is MY opinion: another person has not easily a right to it"—such a philosopher of the future will say, perhaps. One must renounce the bad taste of wishing to agree with many people. "Good" is no longer good when one's neighbour takes it into his mouth. And how could there be a "common good"! The expression contradicts itself; that which can be common is always of small value. In the end things must be as they are and have always been—the great things remain for the great, the abysses for the profound, the delicacies and thrills for the refined, and, to sum up shortly, everything rare for the rare.

قسمت راجع به خانم هاش هم که می‌خوام بگم وجود نداشت.
مثلاً ازش اینو بذارم:(نمی‌خوام زیاد بیارم)
Woman does not understand what food means, and she insists on being cook! If woman had been a thinking creature, she should certainly, as cook for thousands of years, have discovered the most important physiological facts, and should likewise have got possession of the healing art! Through bad female cooks—through the entire lack of reason in the kitchen—the development of mankind has been longest retarded and most interfered with: even today matters are very little better.

The weaker sex has in no previous age been treated with so much respect by men as at present—this belongs to the tendency and fundamental taste of democracy, in the same way as disrespectfulness to old age—what wonder is it that abuse should be immediately made of this respect? They want more, they learn to make claims, the tribute of respect is at last felt to be well-nigh galling; rivalry for rights, indeed actual strife itself, would be preferred: in a word, woman is losing modesty. And let us immediately add that she is also losing taste
She is unlearning to FEAR man: but the woman who "unlearns to fear" sacrifices her most womanly instincts. That woman should venture forward when the fear-inspiring quality in man—or more definitely, the MAN in man—is no longer either desired or fully developed, is reasonable enough and also intelligible enough; what is more difficult to understand is that precisely thereby—woman deteriorates. This is what is happening nowadays: let us not deceive ourselves about it!

آها راجع به موسیقی و بتهوون و اینا چندتا چیز جالب داشت.