A review by jessalynn_librarian
How Not to Be Popular by Jennifer Ziegler


A fun, nicely paced realistic story. This might appeal to fans of [a:Sarah Dessen|2987|Sarah Dessen|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1208460253p2/2987.jpg] - it has some thematic similarities to [b:What Happened to Goodbye|8492856|What Happened to Goodbye|Sarah Dessen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1311281773s/8492856.jpg|13014066], although it's a bit funnier and less earnest. Some entertainingly zany characters and improbable events mean it doesn't take itself too seriously, which is sometimes just the ticket. One thing that took me out of the story was the number of times that Maggie felt stomach pains - I seriously thought she was going to turn out to have appendicitis or some other health problem, but that never materialized. Otherwise, I'd recommend it, especially to girls looking for something light but not complete fluff.

Source: my public library