A review by michalice
Unhinged by A.G. Howard


This is how I feel about this book

 photo HappyDance.gif

****Update 9th Jan 2014****

While I have been anticipating Unhinged and getting to read it, part of me was worried it wouldn't live up the hype and reach my expectations. I fell in love with Splintered, the world and the characters, and each time I fall head over heels in love with a book I always worry that the second one won't meet its predecessor's standards. I really did not think I would love Unhinged as much as I did, or even love it more than Splintered, but I was completely and utterly blown away by Unhinged.

Unhinged hooked me from the minute I had the book in my hands and saw how amazingly gorgeous the cover is...go on, take another look........see what I mean ;). By the time I had reached the half way point in Unhinged I had so many emotions swirling around. I hated Morpheus for doing what he does to Alyssa, but liked how he has her back and saves her. Jeb just needed a serious kick in the ass, he has a good thing with Alyssa and is thinking too much with his business brain and not his emotional brain, not thinking of what he does for work will affect their relationship. Let's not start on Alyssa and what she is doing with both of these boys, lying to 'protect' Jeb, but being 'more than friends' friendly with Morpheus. I mean seriously, this trio are beyond messed up, but mostly in a good way, and in a way that wants you to keep reading and get tangled up in this mess with them.

There were a lot of twists and shocks in Unhinged that I didn't expect, and some of Alyssa's family history is revealed and explains a lot of why Alyssa is who she is. When I began reading I hated Alyssa's Mum for hiding a lot of this information from Alyssa to protect her, but then just as we near the end of the book we are actually shown what happened and why Alyssa's Mum made these choices.

I loved not knowing what was going to happen throughout Unhinged. The unpredictability of what would happen between Morpheus/Alyssa/Jeb had me turning page after page to get even the smallest hint about what was coming up, looking for any minute detail that would aid me in making this discovery. A. G. Howard makes you believe on thing, then pulls the rabbit out of the hat and erases what you thought you knew and shows you a whole new event.

Everyone in Unhinged has to go through so much, and the journey isn't easy at all. I loved following Alyssa through the glass, and down the rabbit hole. Being with her along her journey of discovery, seeing all the good and bad parts to Wonderland, but also finding out more about how it works.
The whole idea of the train was fantastic, and I could possibly do with one of them myself, and although I had guessed who the person was I was still surprised when it was revealed, like gasp out loud surprised. The last few chapters of Unhinged had me on the edge of my seat, I loved seeing them work as a team, but also seeing how they could be affected by everything that Wonderland is doing. How can it end like that, and the wait is going to be torture, like a year long torture specially designed to keep us hanging.