A review by karapaes
Circa by Devi S. Laskar


Devi Laskar has quickly become one of my favorite writers. Her lyrical and poetic style make her books so compulsive to read. I always find myself wishing there were more and more to read. Circa certainly lived up to all of my expectations. Heera, Marco and Marie were incredibly likable characters whose lived I was immediately invested in. All of the supporting characters, like Heera's parents, Neel, Neel's parents, the Grimaldis and Katrina felt like incredibly real, fleshed out characters despite the focus not being on them. I really enjoyed feeling as though I knew everyone incredibly well.

The ending was beautiful even though I wished I could have kept reading about what happens next. Overall, I enjoyed this the whole way through and can't wait to read what Devi writes next.