A review by soroushtorkian
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson


Hey Mark Manson, I love you platonically, but I have to show you some tough love because I am hoping your next book shows that you have a more mature personality. So with further ado, here goes my review:

You think just throwing the word “fuck” around left and right will make you be accepted by the “cool kids”? Are you just saying that word to emphasize you don’t care about certain things? Is the F word a whole schtick to get the book sold in the market better?

I think it’s nice that you talked about Buddha, but I would have connected with YOU better if you had a life story about yourself. Heck, you could have lied about it and made it convincing. I just think that Buddha part made you come off a bit pretentious.

Reading this book made me feel like that being in a situation where I’m at a bar, and a drunk guy comes up to talk to me and give life advice. The advice may or may not be good, but I smell a weird alcoholic stench for every piece of coarse language used. There are much better books out there if you’re looking for self-help or pick me ups. This book should not be taken seriously as a “self-help” book in my opinion.