A review by bookstacksamber
Can I Tell You about Anxiety?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals by Polly Waite, Lucy Willetts


((I received this book for review from NetGalley))

This book does a great job of simplifying anxiety disorders to make them understandable for kids. It's told from the perspective of a young girl, so kids will be able to easily relate to the character as well.

Different type of anxiety, causes for anxiety, coping strategies, how to get help, and coping strategies are just some of the topics covered in this book. There are also sections for parents and teachers, other related problems, and lists of books, organizations, and websites that can help. This would be a great book for kids who have anxiety, or or anyone to read who wants to understand anxiety.

There are other books in this series, and I'll be checking those out as well. I recommend these for any upper elementary classroom.