A review by marilynw
Gone by Midnight by Candice Fox


Gone by Midnight (Crimson Lake #3)
by Candice Fox (Author), Euan Morton (Narrator)

When an eight year old boy vanishes from a motel where his mom and he were vacationing with three other boys and their parents, the mom hires Ted Conkaffey and and his PI partner, Amanda Pharrell, to find her boy. The mother has had some issues in her past that could make her look suspicious and she thinks that having a wrongly accused ex cop and a convicted murderer on her side will give her two people who will understand her plight. Of course, Ted and Amanda are fighting the animosity of the local law enforcement and their attacks have ramped up in viciousness and frequency.

Ted winds down each day with his dog, Celine, and his seven geese, and vents his worries and frustrations to mama goose, Woman, while she sits beside him, watching her grown babies do what geese do. When Ted has to take one of his geese to the vet, he strikes up a promising friendship with the new lady vet and doesn't have the courage to tell her about the false accusations that have destroyed his past life. Ted's three year old daughter is with him for an unsupervised week long stay and Val, the crusty old medical examiner, is taking up babysitting duties while Ted is on the job.

I enjoy these characters so much. Despite the subject matter and violence, this series has been packed full of humor. The book ends on a very satisfying note and even though I'd love for more to come about these characters, if this is where their story ends, I feel like things will have wrapped up nicely.

Pub March 10, 2020 by Macmillan Audio