A review by hollowspine
Flashed: Sudden Stories in Comics and Prose by Josh Neufeld, Sari Wilson


A combination of some of my favorite formats, what could go wrong. In fact, nothing. This was a wonderful collections of stories and comics that not only combined to create something greater, but also had elements of improv that I enjoyed as well.

Every story and comic opened up different interpretations and gave me pause to think more deeply about the joined narratives I was reading, it was a rewarding experience, tripled. I especially enjoyed Gabriel Bell’s contribution about a hole in the wall and the whole triptych of Bronte, which I felt was especially clever and well done.

At the end of each triptych the contributors are able to reflect on the experience, their piece and the process, which was a nice bit of insight for readers. Highly recommended, especially for those who are thinking about getting into either flash fiction or comics (or both).