A review by marthagal
History Lesson for Girls by Aurelie Sheehan


Things I liked about this book:

1) I liked the realistic (and searing) way adolescent meanness was depicted; I think this is the first book in a LONG time that has made me remember what it was like to be in middle school and how mean people could be. (Including, of course *cringe* me.)

2) I liked how it was set in the 70s, and how it made me think about how different (or not) it would have been to grow up then instead of the early 90s.

3) I liked the crazy parents. Mine are so boring and normal, there was no drama like this.

4) I liked the scolosis story. I think most teenagers feel like there's something "wrong" with them, physically or not, and I thought this book used the scolosis to explore this more obviously.