A review by ezrasupremacy
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


4.5 ⭐️ in reality but i’m nice enough to round up

okay so i don’t really have any criticisms of the end, i think making glendower be dead and them having to figure it out another way was actually really cool, tho time travel stuff is always pretty damn messy, and that was what everything amounted to in the end.

the only things i kinda did not love were how adam and ronan’s story played out - it felt kinda rushed and underdeveloped - and whatever the fuck was up with henry. maybe this is because i haven’t read the follow-up series, and he’s somehow relevant there (no clue if that’s true or not obviously), but introducing a character who so randomly becomes so important so late in the story felt so weird?

anyway! absolutely obsessed, cannot wait to read more about ronan, very much loved reliving what i only distinctly experienced during my tumblr years.