A review by momwithareadingproblem
The Secret Heir by Siobhan Davis


I received an eARC of this book via the author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Another whirlwind read from Siobhan Davis! The Secret Heir is the second book in her Alinthia series and picks up a few weeks after the end of [b:The Lost Savior|36481095|The Lost Savior (Alinthia #1)|Siobhan Davis|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1511730251s/36481095.jpg|58191685]. If you haven’t read that book yet, read ahead with caution as there may be spoilers from the first book in this review (though I’ll try my best to not have any). Book one ended on a pretty awful cliffhanger, not as bad as some of Davis’s previous books but still bad. I was left reeling and SO happy there was only a couple of months wait between the two. I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle more of a wait!

Tori has come so far from the girl she was at the beginning of the series. She now knows who she is, where she comes from, and what she is destined to do. She’s embraced it all with grace and little hesitation. The problem is she is now harboring a big secret from the guys who she just agreed to move in with. The thing with secrets is they fester like a war wound, and the longer you wait to share it, the harsher the outcome. I was seriously yelling at her (you know, in my mind) to come clean. Aside from this, Tori really proves herself to the guys following Dane’s training schedule and pouring all of her energy into learning how to harness her powers and the prophecy. Like the previous book, this one is told mainly from her POV, and I was fully engaged, experiencing things with her.

The guys *swoon* So I’ll admit when I first heard that Siobhan Davis was writing a reverse harem series that I was hesitant and a little skeptical. I’m a firm believer in monogamy so the idea of multiple love interests was a red flag for me. However Davis pulls this off beautifully without it feeling dirty or cheap (does that make sense?). Each of the guys in this story are fully fleshed out, with their own unique personalities and character flaws, yet they work together as one unit. I found myself attracted to each of the guys in different ways and could see how Tori would love them each equally. Maddox is still my favorite though. He’s the tough guy, the muscle of the group, but seems to understand Tori the best. He knows when to push her, when to back off, and intuitively understands what she needs when she needs it whether that be a run in the woods or a simply hug.

The plot of this book moves quickly. A new character appears and wreaks havoc in Tori’s life, causes doubt between her and the guys, and calls into question the validity of the prophecy. This in addition to the secret Tori is keeping really weighs on her and causes tension between her and Dane (who has the ability to sense the course of action and when someone isn’t being truthful). All of this builds throughout the story until in the end as the reader you don’t know who to trust anymore. There are several plot twists and questions that arise as the story progresses that culminate in the big reveal at the end of the book.

Overall I loved The Secret Heir! It’s the perfect compliment to the first book and doesn’t suffer from second-book syndrome like many do. If anything, I enjoyed this one more than the first. The author takes us off world for a little bit, and we get to meet more aliens. So I’d call that a win in the scifi category. The romance aspect is really starting to rev its engines (so to speak) with some very hot, steamy make out scenes 😉 If you enjoyed the first book, you will want to grab a copy of this one ASAP. If you haven’t read the first book yet, I strongly suggest you do, otherwise you will be lost in reading this one. I highly recommend this series for anyone that enjoys science fiction, paranormal romance, and reverse harems.