A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Silent Son by Alexis L. Menard


It's been a while since I read the first book in this series and ever since I read that first book I've been reading more Norse mythology inspired stories. I was therefore incredibly curious if I'd recognize more names, themes and events this time around. I was mostly curious to discover what this second book would be about, especially since the last chapter of the first book was quite a cliffhanger. I was therefore really happy that I found an arc on BookSirens.

I really profited from having a little more knowledge when it comes to Norse mythology. Just like the first book this second book is filled with names, events and talk about previous events. It really does help if some of those names and events ring familiar. Although in this case it also made me a little anxious of the finale of the book. After all, I did know that Ragnarok is not the best thing main characters can end up in.

For a little moment I was afraid that a big part of this book would be a repetition of the first book. Memory loss is often handled as some sort of reset device after all. However, the author did an amazing job making sure that despite the memory loss the story never fells like more of the same. It felt more like the memory loss was helping our characters to discover who they could be without the other. Luckily, minor spoiler, the reunion does happen at some point.

At times this book feels like a little much and yet I'm incredibly thankful that the author gave so many characters a voice and the chance to tell their story. Just like I love all the side adventures our characters had to go on to reach their goal. Those side adventures were showing us this rich world and were telling us as many stories as possible. If you're familiar with Norse mythology it will be a joy to recognize so much. If you're new to it this series will certainly make you curious to read more.