A review by amyiw
My Champion by Glynnis Campbell


This started out a fun romp but then went to being way too far fetched for me. The heroine at first was fun to see her misconceptions but at the middle, I wanted to just give up on her. By the 3/4 point I wanted to take her out back and whip her. I don't think I've ever felt that strongly, but she deserved it for the betrayal and subsequent ills it brought.
Spoiler unluckily the stupidity and betrayal didn't stop there. She did it again with her inaction. Yes, she woke up and ran her way to the torture, but really... she allowed her self to be drugged and didn't take up for Duncan at all. What if they went immediately to the whipping post. God knows he already was beaten to an inch of his life. Truly from the tie up to the almost end, I hated her. I thought he was a fool, idiot, imbecile, for going with her the second time anyway. You really want to fulfill the vow, wait, watch, and perhaps talk to the laird of the castle. The wench isn't worth, and she wasn't in the end.
And it didn't stop there (in the spoiler), I wanted to kill her. Then the very end comes and meeting the family. There were laughs again but not enough for me to have really enjoyed this book.

2 1/2 stars.

Kindle freebee.