A review by themermaddie
Axiom's End by Lindsay Ellis


yea i'm here for the emotionally horny alien/human relationship what about it

i had a lot of fun with this one! i enjoyed the writing a lot, i thought there were some beautiful descriptions, and i think its strength is in the way it describes the pequod species and how it defines humanity. i did feel some emotional distance from the whole story though, although i struggle to put my finger on what exactly was the cause of it. the entire book is steeped in nuance, from the government's conspiracies to the public outcry to the characters' thoughts and feelings. somehow i felt the most emotionally connected to ampersand, despite him being obviously the least human character. cora is more of an everywoman character as opposed to a unique voice on extraterrestrial relations, though i suspect that's on purpose? i did think her family background and motivations were fascinating, and it promises to elaborate in the sequel, which i can't wait to get my hands on so hopefully it delivers!