A review by sofiaflowers
Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn


Definitely my favorite bridgerton novel I've read so far!  Ngl tho the characters are so flat 🤧 they always are so I won't complain too much.  

Why is Colin so mad all the time??? Is that a straight man thing like wtf? He's always mad and he almost exclusively takes it out on Penelope like can't you tell you're upsetting her! 🤬 
I hate that he can't deal with his emotions properly and like is so rough with her when he grabs her arm or yanks her around.  In my head, it's not violent and the they were being dramatic but he was being normal 😌 for my peace.  
I don't like that he didn't properly propose to her either ... it's not romantic to marry someone because you want to fuck like wtf.  I think Penelope also felt like that but she's so 😶 
Omg miscommunication pisses me off so much 😤 like she thinks he's ashamed of her but no it's jealousy or she thinks he hates her writing but no he's insecure 😡 idk how she was thinking all of that and still married him 🙄 to be fair tho she did say she'd say yes to whoever proposed to her.
I hate that they'll be in a huge intense argument and then start fucking like bro 😒 yall need to TALK!

I love that Colin realized that it's him that didn't notice her, just like the rest of the ton, instead that she's somehow different and more interesting now.
I love that Colin doesn't even entertain any of the girls that are out and he wants a real partner, like how he said he didn't want a dull marriage 🥰
Also when Colin realized he wants Penelope, he goes full into it like he never is embarrassed or ashamed of wanting her. 
Then when she does talk about before and her life as a wallflower he's rightfully ashamed to have never noticed her!
I love that he's always holding her and touching her again making it obvious he's attracted to her and wants her like yesss Penelope you are hot who cares what your mom thinks.  
I did not understand his side of the argument about the Lady Whistledown stuff ngl but I love that she was not the one to give up because she's right that's her life's work and if anyone should understand being precious about it it should be Colin that was bitching and moaning about not having a purpose.
He's kinda dumb which is whatever lol but whenever she thought he was being cruel he like wasn't.  When she said he runs off to escape responsibility and he was like is this you proposing as joke, she was like don't be mean 🥺 she's still sensitive when he rudely was like I will never marry Penelope Featherington which I would hold that against him too.  Which is actually crazier because by the end of the carriage ride he's "proposed" to her (I wish he would have actually asked her).
LMAO when he says marrying felicity would be like marrying his sister hyacinth and that's literally what Penelope said when her mom floated that idea to her.

Anyways I just love the idea of Penelopes character (she's a little to meek for me 🙈 but I love a shy girl) and Colin worships her as he should!