A review by a_reader_obsessed
The Midnight Gardener by R.G. Thomas


4 Stars

I’ll be the first to admit that typically YA isn’t something that’s at the top of my list of to-be-read, but when the blurb mentions a garden gnome, then color me curious because that’s an original exploration if I ever saw one.

So yes, 15 year old Thaddeus is kinda a lonely outcast. Without really clear reasons, his father has uprooted them many a time, and Thaddeus somewhat resigns himself to not get too invested with his new location. However, this time around things are different in the town of Superstition. With a name like that how can strange and creepy and wonderful things not occur?? One of those very things is the midnight gardener Thaddeus spies next door, and his attempt at getting to know Teofil (the aforementioned gnome) sets off a chain of events and consequences he could’ve never expected. Most importantly, it reveals the mystery behind his mother’s death and why he and his dad have been living such a vagabond existence.

Now, like many YA stories, this is tame in the romance department, but what this excels at are the characters and the set up for the upcoming quest that’s sure to come. The intriguing Teofil was a delightful mix of good and innocent, devotion and strength. Intermix that with Thaddeus's sensible self, as well as his rock solid relationship with his dad, and there really weren’t any complaints at all with how this story progressed.

This definitely appealed to my love of urban fantasy/adventure and when you throw in a blossoming new sweet romance that’s full of all things first, then sign me up. I’m ready to go forth with the sequel!