A review by beforeviolets
A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross

This was my first foray into Rebecca Ross, and I had a lovely time! This folkloric fantasy will definitely appeal to those who like their fantasy books with a side of romance and a heaping serving of atmosphere.

Now, I do have some critiques about the book:
-The pacing is really slow.
-The stakes are really high but lack an urgency, causing them to lose their credibility.
-I was having a hard time believing the interpersonal conflicts between characters. Their conflicts are often told instead of shown, so their sentiments fall flat in dialogue and the overcoming of their conflicts lack sincerity and weight because of it.
-The hierarchy of this world and its supposed rigidity doesn't land because the confines of the story's world feel so isolated from the rest of it.

But what did work for me:
-The atmosphere is rich and ripe and I could practically feel the wind on my cheeks and the long grass tickling my ankes.
-The prose is lovely and lyrical.
-I loved getting to see growth within relationships after marriage! It's really nice to see these characters find different forms of love within themselves and each other.
-Torin. Best character, hands down. This man is GOING THROUGH IT.
-The subtle magic systems! I really loved the way magic is woven into this world. It feels incredibly organic and harmonizes well with the setting.

CW: violence, blood, kidnapping, fire, grief, alcohol, death of parents (past), illness, war (past), death in childbirth (past), loss of loved one (past), death of father, imprisonment (offpage)