A review by tessisreading2
Capable of Feeling by Penny Jordan


This book was a hot mess. We'll start, I suppose, with the fact that Jordan has no idea what computers are or what anyone would do with them. Jon, our hero, is, we're assured, a "top computer man" which means he swans around the world being absent-minded and, for a Jordan hero, surprisingly beta. Sophy is his intrepid and loyal secretary. They have a marriage of convenience. So far, so good, I guess. The problem is, Jordan can't bring herself to write a non-alphahole hero, so we're basically informed that Jon is the equivalent of Clark Kent - he's just been wearing his glasses and being Clark for the last three years to the point where Sophy has no idea that Superman even exists. But when he whips off his glasses, hoo boy, he's super hot, extremely well-muscled, and has women falling all over him at all times (Sophy assumed he was asexual). If it were implied at any point that Sophy had simply been wrong - she has plenty of issues and hangups of her own, maybe she just couldn't pick up on the fact that her boss was hot? maybe he had a dating/sex life that he kept private from her? - that would have worked for me, but instead he's simply been in nerd-disguise for years and years and everyone else in Sophy's life has also been fooled.

Add in the truly ridiculous number of times
SpoilerSophy is harassed and/or assaulted by the same jackass
over the course of the book and, of course, towards the end
Spoilerthe sudden revelation of Jon's stalker - and Sophy's totally calm acceptance of everything this total stranger is telling her, despite the fact that e.g. the woman is unaware the children are Jon's niece and nephew
and the plot is a hot mess even for a Penny Jordan novel.

There were some interesting ideas here but Jordan failed on the execution, basically.