A review by mya_reads
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo


Reading Crooked Kingdom was probably the most distressed I have ever been. Bardugo created a story that makes you wanna rip your heart from you crest in frustration, fall off the edge of your seat, cry, and laugh your ass off at the same time. When I first started the Six of Crows series, it was difficult to grasp the culture and setting of Ketterdam. But Bardugo did not fail me. I love the way information was carefully revealed to me. There were so many “OMG” moments but i guess you’ll have to read it to find out. Ending this series is like saying goodbye to my friends. Kaz, Jesper, Wylan, Inej, Nina, and Matthias felt real to me. I fell like I knew them and it is heartbreaking for it to be over. But, I’m glad to say that I will DEFINITELY be reading ALL of these books again. It is so worth it.
Never stop reading.
9999900181992839283937363739/10 RECOMMEND

my perspective of the characters (specifically kaz) changed so much. I got to see the good and bad sides of them. Sometimes it was an “AWE” moment and sometimes it was frightening.

I am truly honored that I read this book and can’t wait to read the Nikolai Duology.