A review by donnareadathon2021
Love in the City by Jen Morris


The story
Alex’s boyfriend Travis broke up with her on her 30th birthday, and in a drunken haze she has booked a ticket to New York, rented an apartment and is ready to find herself a new life. For this New Zealander from a very small town and her unsupportive parents, this is daunting. When Alex arrives and the apartment is in fact a Starbucks, she bashes into a handsome older guy and spills her coffee over him. In a twist, Michael ends up being her upstairs neighbour and they keep connecting!

My thoughts
Alex is not a perfect character, she fumbles along but coincidences and the “who you know” network works in her favour every time. Her relationship with Michael gets off to a bumpy start but they find common ground and the lust makes it’s way into being fodder for Alex’s romance novel she is writing. I enjoyed this cute read and the New York-y vibe. A few parts to this story require suspension of reality, Michael’s son Henry is very low maintenance