A review by greenbeanteenqueen
Becoming Billie Holiday by Carole Boston Weatherford


I have never been a big biography fan, but this book impressed me. I love novels written in verse and I thought the idea to write a biography in verse worked out wonderfully.

Many of the poems have the feel of a jazz song that Ms. Holiday could be singing. The illustrations are sepia-toned and worked well with the book-they had a smokey feel and made you feel like you were in a jazz club with Ms. Holiday. I really felt as though Ms. Holiday was there with you sharing her life story.

I really enjoyed the format of this book. A biography told in verse was the perfect way for me to enjoy it. The poems provided an intimate look into this singers life and were musical in their own way, which blended well with the fact that the subject was a singer. I was impressed with this title and I'll be requesting that my library purchase a copy-I had to obtain my copy for class through ILL.