A review by sparklingviolets
We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon


Like other Rachel Lynn Solomon books, I enjoyed the banter and chemistry between the leads, but I'm not convinced YA is her strong suit (even setting aside that she had teenagers in 2021 talk about Facebook event RSVPs).

Pretty early on I found myself really annoyed that Quinn wouldn't just tell her family she didn't want to work at their business. I wanted to be sympathetic that her OCD might make her more afraid of things like her parents getting divorced or her catastrophizing the possible outcomes of her taking different classes at college, but it quickly just felt so frustrating and immature, especially when it came up so frequently, so I was more annoyed than sympathetic.

Once Quinn and Tarek started spending more time together, I started enjoying the book a lot more, but Quinn's self sabotage in their relationship also drove me crazy. It just didn't make any sense and I just couldn't find a way to sympathize with her situation when she was causing most of her problems. And at other times, her family was almost cartoonishly evil with how little they cared about her or her wishes, only to of course pull a 180 and end up being completely fine and supportive in the end.

Overall, I liked a good chunk of this book, but it was so frustrating that I would really hesitate to recommend it to others