A review by indoorg1rl
She's a Killer by Kirsten McDougall


Alice was a 30-something woman with an IQ of 159 (almost a genius) who communicated with her mother in Morse code. With the climate crisis ending the world, wealthy immigrants were flocking to New Zealand for shelter, stealing land, driving up food prices and taking over. But Alice was more worried about hating her best friend’s husband, quitting her dull day job and dealing with the return of her imaginary friend. Then she met Erika, a 15-year-old genius who was the daughter of a hot ‘wealthugee’ she was dating, and she was suddenly drawn into a dangerous new world.

I was sold as soon I saw the word ‘bizarre’. Bonus points that this was set in a near-future dystopian NZ. It somehow made sense to me that NZ would be the ‘last paradise’ standing when the rest of the world went under. I was fully immersed in the setting, and Alice’s ‘head’.

Alice’s struggle to deal with trivial things while the world around her was falling apart was so interesting to follow! And scarily enough, I could imagine this happening in real life! With the slow demise of climate crisis, people would do whatever required to survive till the end.

I’m so glad I jumped into this blind, as I did not expect where this story was going at all, and I had a blast! It was unexpectedly funny and action-packed. The audiobook was performed well, and it was so easy to follow. I never knew there was a sub-genre called satirical dystopian cli-fi thriller, and now I want more!

(Thanks to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for a gifted copy in exchange for an honest review)