A review by book_concierge
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson


Audio book performed by Elaine Stritch

The six Herdman kids are a handful – and then some. Their father disappeared a few years ago, their mother works a double shift, and the children are pretty much left to their own devices. They lie, steal, smoke cigars, hit little kids, cuss their teachers, and even set fire to a tool shed.

When they show up at Sunday school (because they thought there would be snacks) just as the Christmas Pageant is being cast, they quickly take over. No one else will volunteer to take a major role for fear of being attacked by the Herdmans, so Imogene will be Mary, Ralph will play Joseph, the other Herdman boys will be the kings, and Gladys will be the Angel of the Lord – the only speaking part.

Imagine if you had never heard the story of Jesus's birth, what would you think? First the Herdman's are appalled that people put a pregnant woman in a barn. Then they are enraged that Herod would be plotting to kill a little baby. And what's with the “wadded-up clothes” they wrapped the baby in?

Imogene's Mary is fiercely protective of her innocent baby. The kings decide to bring a much better present than stupid, scented oil. And the Angel of the Lord yells so EVERYONE knows: “Hey! Unto you a Child is born!” And everyone is moved by the wonder and joy of Christmas.

Elaine Stritch does a great job narrating the audio. However, the version I had skipped the first chapter, which really introduces the Herdman's. I'm glad I had the text as well, so I could read that myself. The text also includes wonderful illustrations by Judith Gwyn Brown.