A review by si0bhan
Saga #10 by Fiona Staples, Brian K. Vaughan


It's extremely difficult to rate the individual chapters, therefore the following is a review of the second volume. In other words, chapters seven through twelve.

I’m not the biggest lover of graphic novels, but the first volume of Brian K. Vaughan’s Saga left me desperate for more. Therefore, I was more than happy to dive into volume two.

Although I have given this second volume a three-star rating, know it is more of a three-point-five-star rating. In fact, it was even closer to receiving a four-star rating than the first volume. I honestly believe, this may well be one of the rare graphic novel series that does become a four-star rating the deeper into it I get.

With this second volume, we have more of the strange and wonderful storyline we were introduced to in volume one. Providing us with chapters seven through twelve, the bizarre story continues. With this one, we have even more twists thrown in, we’re introduced to even more, and we’re hooked to every page.

Without a doubt, this second volume is more than worth reading if you enjoyed the first.