A review by foxconfessor
Goddess of the Sea by P.C. Cast


Spoilers, obviously.

Ok first, I enjoyed this book. Second, I have so many damn questions. What happened to Undine? Was her whole life undone because the gods meddled with CC's timeline? Did none of it happen? Is the timeline safe because of the two different realms? Did Undine live CC's life for a month and then POOF find herself... where? when? back before she left? standing before her parents, very confused? MAJOR SPOILER: Why didn't the gods list "soul transference" as an option when Dylan was dying? Obviously they knew about it! The whole plot holds about as much water as a screen door. Why did CC need to exist at all? Why not just make it Undine's story and just give her CC's same personality. I came around to this element at the end, but.. just.. I don't know. I'm gonna go read the next one, though.