A review by zaggeta
The Gulag Archipelago, Abridged Edition by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


This was a hard book to read. It's subject-matter was horrific, to say the least, revealing many horrors that I knew about, and many that I didn't. No sane person can come out of reading this book and still believe a stitch in the Soviet experiment. That much is clear.

I had to take breaks to deal with the revelations of extreme inhumanity that was wrought on innocent people by an insane and inherently corrupt and evil system. For this alone, the book deserves every star I give it - if only to pay tribute to those who suffered.

The writing style does not make this experience easier, however. The author has a habit of going on long tangents and rants, often rambling and detailing a stream of poetic consciousness. The writing is beautiful, but often hard to follow at time.

But despite all my difficulties with the book, I think it is an essential read. A must read for everyone. Especially those who still cling to outdated and evil ideologies.