A review by mokey81
Another Fine Myth by Robert Lynn Asprin


Unfortunately, reading this reminded me of why I'm not a fan of the fantasy genre. It was ok, but definitely not great. I think there became a fantasy trope in the early 2000s to try and make fantasy overly punnny and have characters make obvious jokes that the characters couldn't understand, but the reader does. Those books begin to feel like the author is trying too hard to get us to buy in. Whereas if they would spend more time on character development and plot, they wouldn't need to distract us.

Skeeve and Aahz (pronounced "Oz," (no relation, hardy-har)) are not fleshed out. I don't truly know anything about them. I realize this is the first book in the series, but it doesn't appear to be headed in the direction of exploring where they came from that made them the way they are, but rather into the future with one another and creating themselves from there.

I wasn't excited about the quest they were on and was even more disappointed in the ending.

Throughout the book, Asprin keeps the story light and amusing. Nothing really dark and heavy. Heck, even the opening scene of the magician getting murdered was very much downplayed, and not at all traumatic for the reader, or the characters really. The fact that the apprentice goes on to avenge his teacher was quite forced. In any case, the overall tone of the story is light and tongue-in-cheek. Until this sentence towards the end. Spoiler about a particular sentence I loathed:
Spoiler"I don't believe I've had such a good time since I made love to my week-dead sister." What the HECK is that all about? It literally took me out of the story and made me want to put the book down. I know it was from the mouth of the villain, but still. It was distracting and didn't at all match the theme/tone of the book, and was a bad writing/editing choice.

Overall, it was an ok read, just not something I feel I need to dive into.