A review by thuismuis
Tim Kaine Is Your Nice Dad: a work of dad fiction by Sara Benincasa, Robert Hack


This book is short and ridiculous. Basically, if you feel like donating the price of a latte for 20 minutes of dad fiction to make you smile, go for it. Half the proceeds to go help adoptions and shit. It's on kindle at Amazon.

Read this if you're having a bad day. Nice dad fiction about Tim Kaine is about encouraging you do the right good thing, but it's ok to fail sometimes. You know better now, so Tim Kaine expects you to do better in the future because he cares about you. Now, quien quieres some burgers? You don't want a burger? That's ok because Tim Kaine respects your choices, there's some soyrizo in the fridge, he can put that on the grill too. Is your friend hungry? They're welcome to stay for dinner too.