A review by isalaur
Honeymoon Sweet by Allison Temple


This is a sweet, quick read that allows us to follow two men who find out who they are and what they need from a partner as they navigate the less than ideal situations they dealing with. The story takes place primarily on a cruise ship where Doug is supposed to be on his honeymoon and Tripp is on a vacation with a workaholic boyfriend trying to repair their relationship. Their first meeting is highly unusual but provides the start to a friendship that rescues them both.

I really enjoyed the way the author uses the downward trajectory of the MCs relationships to document their self-discovery and the deepening of the relationship they develop between them. It was also fun, having been on my first cruise this past year, to read the way the author used the usual aspects of cruise life to also enhance the relationship development as well as the character development. There are points where the story arc slows a bit and some of the self-reflection gets repetitive but overall the story is well told and entertaining.

The ending is sweet and classic romance tale. And after the moment in one of the final scenes I’m curious about Doug’s boss and will go back and read that previous book from this series.