A review by charlottejones952
More Moaning: The Return of the Enlightened One by Karl Pilkington


In the past I have read one of Karl's other books, An Idiot Abroad, and I have watched his television series for both that and The Moaning of Life. This is the second series of The Moaning of Life in book form though I don't feel that you have to have seen the programme to appreciate the book; the book also adds more information for those that have seen the series.

Karl Pilkington is often perceived as a bit of an idiot in these television programmes but I feel that his dry and sarcastic sense of humour is very British and hilarious throughout this book. His opinions and ideas may be odd but in many ways they are just logical, though out of the box.

I really enjoy the way that Pilkington writes and the way that the book is laid out, with photographs and graphic design elements that illustrate some of the events taking place. It is almost like a diary or scrapbook of his experiences and it makes the reading experience a lot more personal.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, though having previously seen the television series there was very little that I didn't already know about. On the whole I would definitely recommend this book and will be seeking out more of Karl Pilkington's writings.