A review by star_sapphire
Strip Me Bare by M. Never


Rating: 1.25 / 5 stars

Not my cup of tea. Disliked the fact that heroine was a wishy-washy doormat character to her father; disliked the fact that she let her insecurities/jealousy get the better of her one minute, and the ignore it the next; disliked the protagonist (who came off as snobby and elitist, in my opinion); disliked the slut shaming.

The second I saw the protagonist slut-shame characters, I was pretty much #done with the book. She was catty, petty, over jealous, and so "perfect and amazing and too good for the hero" that she exuded a snobby, pretentious attitude toward Ryan and others in the novel.

The timeline of the overall story felt disconnected, with the time skipping around from a few weeks to a few months to, pretty much, half of a year.

I get that this is a story that you have to suspend your beliefs in order to read it, but I drew the line the second it became OTT angst and drama fueled around the hero and heroine both being TSTL characters with martyr syndromes. I get it. You two both want to make the people you care about happy. Jesus. It's as if neither one of them had backbones.

What I don't understand is the wishy-washy behavior from any of the characters. Everybody was just OTT. Everybody was just flat. I like characters that are flawed, realistic, or have personality. If you want to read about two types of doormats that keep professing their love for each other, based solely on a short relationship that happened years before the setting/time the book takes place--than this book is for you.

If you want to read about strong, kickass female characters and tortured heroes, than this book is not for you.

I would not recommend. Not unless you like doormats.