A review by suze_1624
Brothers of the Wild North Sea by Harper Fox


Another great read (possibly even saga!) from Harper Fox.
I'm always wary of reading books set so far back in time because life was hard, the smallest thing can kill let alone armed raiders and life was short even with luck on your side. However, this was a good story, full of hope, sadness, peace, horrors.
Cai has left his family to join the Christian monks on Fara though his warrior and more heathen upbringing are making his move tricky. I liked his healing abilities and that when the chips were down, Cai stepped up. He is no mamby pamby monk!
Fen is one of the marauding vikings and is injured by Fen. After being left for dead by both his fellow vikingr and the monks, he is eventually rescued by Cai. I did like that his initial thoughts were to kill Fen, by knife and then by barely sufficient care. Fen gradually works his way into Cai's heart and life.
If only more Abbot Theo's were around but unfortunately more Aelfric's were common. This bit got a little preachy but not too in your face and melded in the story.
I didn't really get my head around the Gleipner bit but it did serve to reunite Fen and Cai and Adder's miracle was a saving grace, I was getting my hankie out in readiness!!!!
Once again, a great writing style that sucked me into the story and keeping me up far too late at night!