A review by vikingwolf
Ash: A novella in the Wheels and Zombies series by M. Van


Ash has been paralysed by an operation gone wrong, abandoned by her family who only had her to try and save their beloved daughter from a genetic disease-and now Ash is dying from that cancer too. Stuck in a hospital ward ran by a bitchy nurse, she turns to a dying old man for company. When they hear about the pandemic and riots outside, they are surprised not to be evacuated like the rest of the city. Instead they are to be used for scientific research to stop the zombie virus. Ash and Chuck are about to try their escape when the hospital is overrun by the zombies, and the soldiers who are there to extract the cancer patients.

I liked this one because it was different. We have two heroes, both with cancer, one hooked up to bottled oxygen and unable to walk far, and the other in a wheelchair. It was nice to see this diversity in a zombie book, something I am always longing to see. I loved Chuck's character the best as I enjoy seeing older characters as my heroes. We don't see enough of that. I also liked Angie and Jonesy, who have the job of rounding up these patients to be experimented on, but who do start to see them as people needing protected. There were a few nice twists in the relationships between the four of them as they make their way through the hospital, avoiding zombies and soldiers. I enjoyed the hospital as a location because buildings like this are perfect for the zombie apocalypse when the reader is unsure what lurks around every corner. I liked the characters in general though Ash was a bit of a cow to start with, expecting people to do things for her but never being grateful and being as difficult as she could. However it wasn't enough to make me hate her or anything.

An enjoyable short zombie book with diversity, a solid plot and good characters. I might read on with the series at some point.